
Weight Loss NOT Due to Plastic Surgery, Gastric Bypass!

Rumors that country star Miranda Lambert’s stunning weight loss is due to surgery are being refuted by the country singer and the new issue of Life & Style.

She did not (small print) have a GASTRIC BYPASS (giant type). Got that?!?

The Miranda Lambert weight loss photos have made the slimming obvious.

Shedding nearly 30 pounds from her 5-foot-4 frame, the question became why, or now. Was it all so Blake Shelton won’t cheat? Did she go under the knife?

Now the country star is firing back: “That is ridiculous,” she fumes.

So ridiculous … and L&S is doing nothing at all to foster speculation with its cover, on which GASTRIC BYPASS are the only words you can see at a glance.


How would anyone get the wrong idea about her.

As for her actual pound-shedding methods, we’re going to go crazily out on a limb and guess that diet and exercise, plus portion control, are involved.

Just a hunch. Call us crazy and out there.

She talks about her techniques in the celebrity gossip tabloid, too, if you’re bored at the checkout aisle because the person in front of you wants cash back.

Seriously, who does that.


Noelle Montes

Update: 2024-08-02